What age can my child start at Nature’s Way Montessori?
Children from ages 16 months to 6 years.
What time do you open and close?
Our classrooms are filled with laughter and joy, Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 17:30.
What do I do if I’m running late?
Kindly send a text message or WhatsApp message to the teacher on duty.
What do I do if my child is sick?
Please keep sick children at home until they’re non-contagious.
What does Nature’s Way Montessori staff do in case of an emergency?
All our staff have basic first aid training with certification and will do an immediate assessment of any situation.
What kinds of animals are in the farmyard?
Sheep, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Bunnies, Tortoise!
Are the farmyard animals dangerous?
No. They are in an enclosure. Children only have supervised interactions.
Is the property secure?
Yes with perimeter electric fencing. Controlled gate access. Link to local armed response security company.